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Case studies

Find out how we have implemented exciting projects for our customers.

Dive into the details of our successful collaborations, from the challenges to the impressive results.

Get inspired and discover how we can boost your business!

Image by Andrea De Santis

Meine Hebamme Jasmin

Jasmin Rathjen is a self-employed midwife who was able to successfully launch her independent practice with the aid of a website including a booking tool and social media marketing. We have been collaborating with her since 2021.

> To Meine Hebamme Jasmin

> To the case Study

Unsere Kundin Jasmin von Meine Hebamme Jasmin

Victim Brand

Victim repurposes recycled skateboards into various products and refines smartphone cases. In collaboration with Wiktor from Victim Brand, the focus is on strategic consulting and conception in the area of social media and influencer marketing.

> To Victim Brand

> Case study available soon

Unser Kunde Wiktor Stec von Victim Brand

Möbelhaus Pohl

Together with Möbelhaus Pohl , we have redesigned and implemented the existing web presence, including the online shop. The website is regularly optimized for search engines, maintained and updated by us.


> To Möbelhaus Pohl

> Case study available soon

Unserer Kunden vom Möbelhaus Pohl

Krauthaus Vechta

Krauthaus is a retailer for CBD and hemp products. We advise and conceptualize the corporate design as well as the web presence including the online shop. The website is regularly optimized for search engines, maintained, and updated by us.


> To Krauthaus Vechta

> Case study available soon

Unsere Kunden von Krauthaus Vechta
Gestaltung am Tablet

Finden Sie unverbindlich heraus, ob Social Recruiting zu Ihrem Unternehmen passt

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In einem unverbindlichen Analysegespräch mit einem unserer Experten finden wir gemeinsam heraus, ob Social Recruiting sich für Ihr Unternehmen eignet und wie wir Sie im Recruiting unterstützen können.

✅ Passt Social Recruiting zu meinem Unternehmen?

✅ Wie läuft die Zusammenarbeit und was kostet es mich?

✅ Welche Ergebnisse können erzielt werden?

Vereinbaren Sie jetzt eine unverbindliche

Analyse Ihres  Unternehmens 

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